Sunday, April 6, 2014

Happy First Birthday Allison!

Wow. I can't believe a year has passed since our sweet baby girl has come into this world. It's been a roller coaster of  sleepless nights, unimaginable love, and the sweetest girl I've ever met. We are so lucky!

We started off the day with this little mound of heaven. She was so dainty when picking out her doughnut...eating it on the other hand...she was not.



For her first birthday I wanted something very simple yet timeless, so we went with the theme "Our Little Love is Turning One"! The main colors were pink and gold and I would say it turned out beautiful!

I made all of the decorations by hand, and at times I wanted to throw in the towel and buy princess themed crap from Target, but I prevailed! lol





I wanted to incorporate a way for all of our family to leave Allison a note of 'well wishes' or hopes for her next year of life. I had an extra canvas lying around so I thought I'd have everyone sign their names and write a little note. It's now hanging up in her playroom. :)

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photo 4

photo 5


The picture garland was by far my most favorite picture from every month. It was so awesome to see how she's changed over the past 12 months!

photo 1

photo 2

photo 4

photo 3

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photo 4

All in all I think her birthday was absolutely beautiful!

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

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