Up until two days ago our table STILL had winter/Christmas decor on it! I knew exactly what I wanted in my mind but the problem was, I couldn't find it ANYwhere...hence, this DIY post! Charles and I love succulents mainly because we are too lazy to take care of 'real' plants but they also are pretty kick ass looking! When I was trying to figure out how exactly to build one (seems simple right, 5 pieces of wood just slap them together?) Charles said he would buy me a miter saw if I promised to miter the ends! So of course I obliged...and I'm glad I did! It looks so much better in my opinion than just slapping the boards together. Don't fret if you don't have a miter saw you can definitely piece the boards together with two sides, two ends and a bottom! It will still look SMASHING!
For this project you will need:
Wood Stain-- I LOVE these cloths...easy to use and NO mess! Easy Peasy!
Straight Edge
Plastic Trash Bag
Wood Glue
Measuring Tape
Sander or Sand Paper
Nail Gun
Miter Saw
2- 1x6 cut at 30 inches in length*
1-1x4 cut at 28 inches in length *
2-1x6 cut at 5 inches in length*
* These measurements are based on our 6 foot table. You can definitely adjust them as need be. *
Once you have your materials and pieces cut you will glue to the sort sides to the long sides to make your box. I like Elmer's Wood Glue because it's easy to get off but it's strong on wood! What momma doesn't like easy clean up?
The next step is to attach your bottom (1x4- 28inches). I am still a little new with using my saw so I had to go back and trim and sand until I could make it fit! Also, don't worry if there are cracks or the boards do meet up just right, you're going to put plastic in the bottom! You can glue or you can just nail that puppy right in...I chose the latter because I'm impatient!
Next comes the really fun part, STAINING! If you're using the cloths, put on the gloves that are included and get to wiping. Make sure you go with the grain of the wood though!
Once you let it dry it's time to put in the plastic liner...I just folded a regular sized trash bag up and put it in the bottom. Now you're done...almost. Put in the dirt and what ever plants you want and you have your very own CUSTOM centerpiece!
Our cat, Charlotte, was so interested and nosey, it got me thinking for my next project. A catnip garden...She would go nuts over that!

Love This!! I will definitely attempt this little gem of a tutorial!! Just pinned!!