Holy Moly, Guacamole! Sweet little Allison is EIGHT/8/OCHO/HUIT months old! Can you believe it? Because her daddy and I sure can't!

Cutest little monkey in all the land! Climbing all over stuff at school!
Age: 8 Months
Stats: 15lbs & 24.5 inches (These are guesstimates -- we go back to the doctor next month!)
Clothes: Still wearing size 6 months. We do have a few 6-9 month outfits that are starting to fit well!
Favorite Foods: She still just loves food in general. She acts like we don't feed her half the time but I guess that's the life of a growing baby!
Favorite Words: She says mum! But only when she's sad and wants me to pick her up...which is pretty much ALL.THE. TIME!
Favorite Toys: She's been in a really clingy mood the past month and doesn't really want to sit on the floor and play. I guess Charlotte would be her favorite toy? She also likes to chew on her squishy blocks. Our cell phones if we would let her have them. Anything that makes noise...Charles bought her a 'remote' by fisher price since she was stealing ours all the time. She still prefers ours...go figure.
Sleep: 7PM to 6AM. She’s a rock-star. Right after she turned 7 months old she had a cold and started teething (we have 7 teeth now...WHAT?) and she hasn't slept through the night since. She sleeps MUCH better if she's in our bed but still wakes up to eat. Growth spurt, teething, separation anxiety...I guess all of it is contributing to one very cranky and clingy baby and one very tired and exhausted mommy.
Favorite Activities: Crawling after the cat! She is on the move. She is also starting to pull up on things and people. I'm sure she'll be walking before too long. :( I shouldn't be sad but where in the world is the time going? She loves to go on walks too! Charles & I Santa got her a wagon for Christmas. I am having a really hard time waiting until Christmas to bust it open...but for the sake of her first Christmas I have restrained myself! Don't forget to mention the clapping. She won't really do it on cue but she does clap a lot...mostly for herself I suspect.
Least Favorite Activities: Still anything that involves her laying/being still (diaper changes, cleaning nose, getting dressed, putting lotion on face) & being put in her car seat. All of these things are an absolute nightmare. She is waaay to busy to sit still. Duh Mom!
Favorite Things

One-Two Squeeze Blocks: Target has the most adorable line of children's toys, Just B. B You. These blocks are squishy and are cute colors! She doesn't really get stacking them but she loves to chew on them!
Humidifier: I swear this girl has a cold & nasal congestion every other week. We have this humidifier and it seems to help keep her comfortable, at least just enough to sleep-ish. Charles said he always feels relief in the morning after sleeping with it on his side of the bed!
Baby Food Pouches: We've been trying to introduce new foods to Allison so she doesn't inherit the "Patti Pallet" as Charles calls it. These are super easy to feed and store not to mention taste way better than it's Gerber counterpart (yes I taste them). Gerber doesn't make that large a variety, at least not in our stores, so these are excellent in terms of variety. They are pricier than Gerber but I guess you get what you pay for?
NoseFrida: Yes everyone thinks I'm completely disgusting for 'sucking' my daughters boogers out of her nose but I will tell you it works 100x's better than the bulb thing. If you can stomach the thought of literally sucking the icky snot out of your kids nose, then get this little contraption. It keep her nose clearer longer so I'm not having to suck and irritate her nasal passages more than necessary!
Chicco Next Fit Carseat: We've had the Chicco Next Fit for about a week and I have to say, although there isn't the convenience of whipping it out of the car while she's still sleeping, it is the easiest car seat to install! It also seems to be quite a bit more stable and less wiggly in the car than her regular graco one. She still HATES to be put in her car seat but she seems more comfortable in this one... hell even I'd ride in it. Memory foam on my toosh? Yes please!
Mommy & Allie Cupcake Date! Yummy!
Look at her pull up! She'll be walking soon.
Signature Moves: Crawling after the cat! She has also started blowing raspberries with her tongue out too...i don't know where she got that from but it's sorta cute. Until she spits in your face...then it's no longer cute. She also rocks back and forth on her knees like she's trying to gain enough momentum to take off, which in turn results in a black eye. (yep, she came home from daycare with a black eye from this)
Mom's Proudest Moment: Watching her crawl for the first time. It was pure magic!
Dad's Proudest Moment: Spending an entire day with her out-and-about and NAILING it! :) This is also my proudest moment.
Other Milestones: Pulling up on people & things. Miss. Debbie, her teacher, said she pulled up in her crib! Clapping! She loves to "Clap-Clap". 7 teeth! 4 top & 3 bottom!
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