Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Weekend in Pictures

With Christmas almost here and the cooler weather here to stay I thought I'd do another one of our "Mama + Mini" Posts to go along with our Weekend in Pictures!

Mama & Mini

Baseball Tee | Scarf | Vest | Jean Jacket | Polka Dot One Piece | Gray One Piece | Hello Sweatshirt

I just ordered this baseball tee from American Eagle and I'm patiently waiting for it to arrive. I'm pretty obsessed with scarves right now too. That's probably only because it's like a freaking meat locker in my office at wor

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Yummy Spaghetti O's and Sprinkle Cheese. She's a girl after my own heart...once I put the cheese on them she annihilated them!

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Crap everywhere.

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We really really need to lower her crib mattress soon, she is starting to pull up and stand in her crib. She also must think the crib rails taste good too, or she's trying to kick a smoking habit.

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I love how Charlotte is watching over her! What a good kitty!

Also, crap still everywhere. Oh well she had fun, that's all that matters.

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Snack time! She loves cheese and crackers. She also has this thing going on where she continually is missing one sock.  I have no idea where they go to half of the time.

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She still likes the box it came in better than the actual toy!

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Shopping for Groceries! I She was super excited about these baby bananas! No more wasting big ones!

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We hope you all had a great weekend!  We were missing daddy but had a great time snuggling and NOT cleaning the house!

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