Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving: Part Deux

Every year we celebrate Thanksgiving with Charles' side of the family at Grandma Annie's on the Sunday after Thanksgiving! Allison is old enough to sort of play with her cousins. Miss. Sophia & Raelyn loved getting sweet Allie snuggles...Connor on the other hand...he told me he didn't like babies.



I'm sad to say this is the best picture we got of the four of them. Eh better luck next time.

ga3Allison was so excited that she got to eat 'real' food again! She loved her turkey and potatoes. Everyone was really impressed at her stellar eating abilities! That's right, my kid's a rock-star.



Aren't these two the sweetest? Charles was reading her books that he used to read at Grandma's when he was a little boy. So sweet!

I would say Allison's first Thanksgiving x 2 went wonderfully. She of course loved all of the attention and the yummy food. Now on to the Christmas holiday. I can't wait to share with you are new family tradition.

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