Age: 9 Months
Stats: 15lbs 12oz (12th percentile) & 26 inches (4th percentile)
Clothes: Still wearing size 6 months. Finally put all of the 3 month clothes away and are slowly collecting 9 month clothes!
Favorite Foods: Cheese and crackers!
Favorite Words: Momma, Dada and she even told Charles "hi dada" the other night. Fluke..yes.. but we count it!
Favorite Toys: She absolutely LOVES books. She will pull them all out and flip through the pages, chew on them (a new form of reading we believe), sit on them, and share them. We are definitely going to be getting her books and a cute new reading chair for her birthday! She also really loves her zany zoo activity block that she got for Christmas. Charlotte also likes it. And Charles. Hell, me too! All four of us have been caught playing with it at one time or another.
Sleep: 7:30PM- 6:30AM our rockstar babe is back! She is still sleeping in our bed but is no longer waking up to eat! Next week after we get back from Wisconsin we are going to start sleep training again so hopefully she will sleep in her bed. Part of me is really sad, I LOVE waking up to both of my favorite people every morning.
Favorite Activities: Exploring the house, reading/pulling out ALL of her books, chasing the cat (still), going for wagon rides, and pulling up to stand! She thinks she's hot stuff when she stands up. So do we baby girl...so do we!
Least Favorite Activities: I'm keeping this the same as last month. Still anything that involves her laying/being still (diaper changes, cleaning nose, getting dressed, putting lotion on face) & being put in her car seat. All of these things are an absolute nightmare. She is waaay to busy to sit still. Duh Mom!
Favorite Things

Zany-Zoo Activity Block: My favorite line of children's toys is, Just B. B You, from Target. This activity block is so much fun, even Charlotte plays with it! It's excellent for fine motor skills and an all around good time. She loves to make the duckies move back and forth, and open and close the doors!
Tommy Tippee Bibs: Best bibs I have found and cheap too! Super easy to clean and they roll up so they fit really in the high chair storage bin. The ONLY complaint I have is that the neck hole is a little big (at least for Allison) and she is able to put it in her mouth and usually ends up getting the neck line of her shirt completely filthy.
Crown Pre-Walkers: I got these for Allison because the weather has turned colder and I worry about her little tootsies getting cold at school. Her classroom has one wall that is all windows so even though the heater is on it still gets chilly. These are also awesome because they are soft soled so she can still feel the floor, which helps in learning to walk and stand!
Grow-Up Cup: This is such an awesome design! It has a lid so she doesn't spill but it comes out enough to teach her how to drink out of a 'big girl cup'! She hasn't quite grasped the concept yet but we are learning! Still so cool. Do they make this in adult size?
YoBaby Yogurt: Easy and healthy breakfast or snack! We get th
ese at our local grocery store and Allison just loves them. We aren't actually sure what the difference between these and regular yogurt is but she really likes them. Well pretty much any food but especially these!

Books, Books Books!
Daddy brought home Hello Kitty Band-aids for her first boo-boo! Sweet Daddy.
Eating like a big girl! Yummy!
Signature Moves: Crawler on a mission! She is getting super fast. She's pulling up on everything, she even got her very first 'boo-boo' because she slipped and fell when pulling up to stand. Clapping and blowing raspberries. She also started this little clicky thing with her tongue. SOOOO cute!
Proudest Moment: We are so proud to be her parents. Every single day she does something new that impresses us and we KNOW we've got to be the luckiest parents ever!
Other Milestones: Attempting to stand on her own with out support (still pretty wobbly but getting there) and transitioning to table food!
Granny and PawPaw are so very proud of her too.......Love you Baby Girl!!!!