Where, Oh Where has the time gone? Our sweet little babe is already seven months old. Part of me is really excited and another part of me is really sad. I miss my sweet teeny tiny bebe but am SOOO excited for what the future holds for her. She is so smart and getting so big! I wish I would have started this 6 months ago but I guess late is better than never.

Age: 7 Months
Stats: 14lbs (5th Percentile), 24 inches (8th Percentile)
Clothes: Wearing size 6 month mostly, but an occasional 3 month outfit makes its way into the mix. She has worn a couple of 9 month outfits from Carter’s too.
Favorite Foods: Food in general. She does really like banana’s, mac-n-cheese, chicken & pumpkin flavored things.
Favorite Words: Does shrieking count as a word? If so, shrieking. She has said “mum” before but only when she is crying and upset. I’ll take it either way.
Favorite Toys: She is pretty obsessed with “Guess How Much I Love You” soft book that Charles bought her during their daddy-daughter date. She also likes anything that she can put in her mouth and chew on.
Sleep: 7PM to 6AM. She’s a rock-star.
Favorite Activities: Bath time is her absolute favorite, but she does love just hanging out on the floor with some toys. Oh and she’s a total TV babe. No matter where in the room she is, she will make it a point to watch the TV if it’s on. (Mom-of-the-Year Award goes to…me!) Staring at the cat is also pretty entertaining…I swear Charlotte will be the reason Allison starts crawling.

Least Favorite Activities: Anything that involves her laying/being still (diaper changes, cleaning nose, getting dressed, putting lotion on face) & being put in her car seat.
Favorite Things

Dino-Popper: This was a gift from one of my co-workers and Allison is finally old enough to be able to use it. Both her AND Charlotte love watching the balls bounce up and down. Allie hasn't quite grasped the concept of putting them back into the dino to make them bounce once they've bounced out. She'll get there...as long as Charlotte doesn't steal them all away first.
Gerber 2nd Foods: Even though we are working diligently on introducing Allison to new foods and textures, these are still our go to in-case we are in a hurry or there's nothing appropriate available for her to eat.
Self-Feeder: Allison LOVES eating out of this. It gives her independence as well as keeps her occupied for a few minutes so I can start supper or get something else done. Just pop a little bit of banana in it and wha-la! Yum-Fest! We also like this one over the mesh bag ones because it's really easy to clean. The mesh just seemed really hard to keep clean and sanitary.
Boogie Wipes: These are still one of our favorites. Allison seems to always be congested or have a runny nose and these are perfect for keeping her sensitive little nose from getting raw. They smell good too!
Foscam: Now that Allison is sleeping in her room, on the opposite side of the house I might add, the Foscam gives me peace of mind so that I can get some sleep. The best thing about it is that the camera feeds directly to our iPhone's and iPad and has a two-way mic so we can talk to her from our room. We've only done it a couple of times but it's a pretty cool feature. Oh Also, I swear she knows that it's a camera and we are watching her because she constantly looks at it. Creepy much? (see picture below)
Guess How Much I Love You Soft Book: Daddy & Allison had a daddy-daughter day last week and wound up at Barnes and Nobel. This is the coolest little book. It has different textures, interactive hopping bunnies and makes lots of crinkle noises. Oh and it has a little heart teether, perfect for the teething babe.
Signature Moves: Putting everything in her mouth, push-ups, shrieking in delight & belly giggles.
Mom's Proudest Moment: When people in the store or around town come up to me and tell me that she's the most beautiful baby they've ever seen.
Dad's Proudest Moment: Spending an entire day with her out-and-about and NAILING it! :) This is also my proudest moment.
Other Milestones: She is beginning to understand what we are saying...especially "Do you want to something to eat?" or "No". She is so close to crawling, even I can taste it. Hopefully she'll be crawling by Thanksgiving.
Hope you are all having a Happy Hump Day!
Happy 7 months baby girl........Granny and PawPaw love you!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Mommy for sharing.......I love it........ :-)