Thursday, November 21, 2013

Teething Sucks!

For the past, 3 months or so our sweet little babe has been teething something fierce. Some teeth come through without so much as a tear while the others (more specifically the current top ones) are HORRIBLE! I absolutely HATE when my sweet girl is hurting and there's nothing I can really do for her. She's not the clingy type and boy has she been clingy. It's kind of frustrating because she wants me to hold her (Which I absolutely LOVE doing) but sometimes I just need Charles to be able to hold her...her way Jose.  She's doing a little better with the clingyness but to make matters worse she contracted the nasty croup over the weekend and had to stay home from daycare for three days. The last time she was sick, which was about 6 weeks ago she wasn't nearly as fussy or irritable as she was this go around. It's kind of odd because she didn't have as high or consistent of a fever as she did a few weeks ago...again...teething sucks and I'm pretty sure that's the sole reason for her grumpiness.

allie baba


Daddy & Allie during our "picnic"...the mosquitoes found Allison quite tasty so we had to retreat indoors.

I do have to say though, Miss. Allison is quite the trooper. Sure she's been whiny and sick but HOLY HELL...I stuck my finger in her mouth to apply orajel (why haven't they made an applicator for this so I don't get bit?) and felt not two but FOUR teeth on top! I knew she was getting her canine teeth but now her top middle teeth are about to  break through. It makes me want to cry just touching them...mostly because she bites but also because can't a girl catch a break? I'm trying to look on the bright side of things and say that she's getting them all in now and out of the way and we should be through this mess before long. I hope.


Isn't this the saddest thing you've ever seen? :( I  was putting dishes away when I looked up at the monitor and this is what I saw. It's really hard not to laugh at her face even though I'm pretty sure she wanted to rip her teeth out.

In addition to illness and new teeth our sweet girl also has some new skills! She can 'crawl'-- I use that term loosely because she's really slow at it and does it a little different than you'd think but if she wants something she will inchworm her way to it. It's usually my phone, the remote, or occasionally the cat's tail (she's not nearly as impressed with Allison's new skill as Charles and I are). She also pulled up to stand! Watch out world Allison is about to be on the move, and our lives will NEVER be the same. Right now it's kind of nice to be able to put her down and believe that she's not going to escape but I know before long Charles & I will always be searching the house for her. I guess it's time to find a new spot for Charlotte's litter-box and food bowl.


She's also doing very,very well with feeding makes me a little sad but very excited at the same time. I'm not quite sure where the past 7 1/2 months have gone but I can't imagine our lives without Allie-baba.

It's almost Turkey Day! We are getting so excited about having our family over to celebrate Allison's first Thanksgiving. Lots of cooking and decorating in the days ahead. I promise I'll try and blog more than once a week.


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