Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Joys of Motherhood || "Kids Say/Do the Darndest Things" Edition

Motherhood is full of joy and lots of wine but I wouldn't change any of it for a second (OK maybe a second, but I want it back :) ) This post is inspired by Allison and the many shenanigans and oh-so-funny things that she says. I wish I would have started documenting these things sooner, but better late than never!

"kkkyy": What Allison says when the sun is in her eyes and she refuses to put her sunglasses on.

"Leett Gooo!": When Charles or I have something Allison wants and we won't give it to her! She's a girl on a mission and knows what she wants!

"I Love Lou": Simple but effective. *swoon*

"Get Up!": Every morning Allison will come into our room and grab mine or Charles' face and tell us to 'get up!'. There's no time for sleeping apparently.

"Sit, Sit": Whether it be the recliner, bed, chair, or floor, when Allison wants you to sit by her, you sit.

"Nack": This is becoming one of my least favorite words she says. She says it ALL THE TIME. I swear she never stops eating. From the time her eyes open to the time her eyes close, she is constantly asking for a "nack" (snack). I promise we feed her!

"Patti!": I don't know why she does this, but she started calling me by my first name. I blame daddy.

"Penpens": Allison LOVES the Madagascar Penguins! I'm so thankful that Amazon Prime has actual episodes instead of the holiday shorts. I'm pretty sure I would have gone insane if I had to watch 'Madagascar Penguins Christmas Caper" one more time.

The other day when I was cooking dinner I gave Allison some yogurt to tide her over,  little did I know that her little toddler brain had other plans in mind for her 'nack'. It should have clicked in my head that when she kept getting off of the chair and walking around with her yogurt cup and spoon she was up to something. Next thing I know, she's in the corner feeding the cat yogurt like a baby. Sound effects and all.

Speaking of the cat, a few days ago Charlotte would NOT.STOP.MEOWING. It was driving me bonkers because I couldn't figure out what her issue was. She had food, water, and I had just cleaned her littler box out, but she kept incessantly meowing! So I go check her food, water, and litter box one more time...before I go any further I have to tell you a little about Allison and Charlotte's relationships. It's so sweet, Charlotte will scratch the dogs eyes out but will let Allison lay all over her and basically squish her eyeballs out. So how does Allison repay Charlotte for her incredible generosity? By shoving five pairs of Charles' boxers in her litter box so she can't use it. Source of incessant meowing found.

I absolutely love being a mom and even though her antics sometimes drive me crazy, I cherish each and every one!

Happy Tuesday!!

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