Sunday, February 8, 2015

We're Back!!

Many of you probably know that Charles and I made the difficult but exciting decision to sell our beautiful new home and move to the big city of Houston this past year; for those of you who don't, we moved. I am so happy to say that we are finally settled enough for me to start blogging again. It has been waaaay to long! I have some really exciting posts planned and can't wait to get back into the swing of things! 

First things first, let me tell you all about our almost TWO year old! I can hardly believe it!

Allison is exhausting, stubborn, beautiful, and extraordinary. I thank God every single day for blessing me with such an incredible little girl. 

She is talking in small sentences, knows all of the basic colors and shapes, and she can bust a move. Uptown Funk is played on loop in our house. 

We are pumped and ready to go! I hope you all have a spectacular week! 

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